"I am not worried of your tumor. We can remove it." he silently added,
"Dear, What I am concerned is of its relocation; its metastasis. It is malignant"
"The tumor is malignant ?"
The Doctor runs his long fingers across his thick broad forehead; at least that was what he did when he was frustrated. A decade and a half of experience with cancer patients did not evade his fear for the dreaded disease and never did he get away with the frustration when he made it a point of easy note to his patient." A malignant tumor is not self-limited in its growth, is capable of invading into adjacent tissues, and may be capable of spreading to distant tissues (metastasizing) ", "Lady, you are a little late." He knew there was a cure and he knew it was not easy.
The system, the malignancy, the tumor.
Years after, when I got to realize the entire anecdote, and what else disease could mean, the word metastasis never spelled in style.
To me Metastasis meant many a things. Metastasis could be everywhere in a system; in your society, in a family, in a relation, in an administration, in science, in arts. And all that I could relate metastasis was to how a phenomenon relocates itself, increasing its intensity and extent.
Much to the fear of the word, I thought of how metastasis could be positive; how metastasis could be employed - and a theory struck.
It opens me to a theory where a compromise between quandary and management could easily find a solution to the undesired episode. Simply, it means that the impact of the episode be transferred from the strata of its origin to a higher strata where the management of the crisis could itself be simple. Just imagine if you could control the metastasis of a tumor? Like if you could relocate a tumor in the vital organ to a trivial organ ?
Imagine the same in a broader perspective and hence you see the society.
" The Social Metastasis "
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